Post-op instructionsAfter teeth whitening

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In-office teeth whitening:

  • Do not smoke for 48 hours.
  • Avoid foods and beverages that stain (red sauce, blueberries, juice, coffee, tea, etc.).
  • Mild sensitivity to hot or cold liquids may occur. This usually passes within 1-2 days. If sensitivity persists, we recommend taking over-the-counter pain medication.
  • If you experience gum sensitivity, avoid the afflicted area while brushing your teeth.
  • Immediate whitening results can be quite dramatic due to minor dehydration of your teeth. It’s normal for the color to tone down to a natural white tone after treatment when your teeth rehydrate.
  • Long-term results vary from patient to patient. Contributing factors include the original shade of your teeth and habits such as smoking or drinking colored beverages (red wine, coffee, tea, etc.)
  • Touch-up treatments may be needed every 6-12 months to maintain results.
  • Existing fillings, crowns, bondings, etc. will not whiten.  Therefore, these may need to be changed in order to match your new smile.